- For topological sorting, the graph should represent the dependencies in the opposite direction in adjacency list. For example in Course Schedule The adjacency list of each course should contain the courses that depend on it, not its prerequisites. ⭐️
- Topological sorting provides a way to arrange the vertices of a DAG in a sequence where all the edges point from left to right.
- It’s basically linear ordering of vertices such that if there’s an edge b/w
u & v
appears beforev
in ordering. - There can be multiple valid topological orderings for a given DAG.
- The algorithm may produce different orderings depending on the order in which the vertices are processed.
- DFS-based approach,
- After visiting all the neighbors of a vertex, the vertex is added to a stack.
- The final topological ordering is obtained by popping vertices from the stack.
- TC: O(V + E)
- Kahn’s algorithm:
- This algorithm maintains a queue of vertices with no incoming edges (in-degree of 0).
- It repeatedly removes vertices from the queue, adds them to the topological ordering, and updates the in-degrees of their neighbors.
- TC: O(V + E)
When to use Topological Sort:
- Dependency Resolution: Topological sorting is commonly used in scenarios where there are dependencies or prerequisites among tasks or items. For example, in a build system where certain tasks must be completed before others can start, topological sorting can help determine a valid order of execution.
- Course Scheduling: In an educational context, topological sorting can be used to determine the order in which courses should be taken based on their prerequisites. By representing courses as vertices and prerequisites as directed edges, topological sorting can provide a valid sequence of courses.
- Job Scheduling: Topological sorting can be applied to job scheduling problems where certain jobs must be completed before others can begin. By modeling the jobs as vertices and their dependencies as directed edges, topological sorting can provide a feasible order for executing the jobs.
When not to use Topological Sort:
- Graphs with Cycles
- Undirected Graphs
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A → B → E → D → A (Cyclic Dependency)
A → B → A (Cyclic Dependency)
Link to original
Directed Cyclic Graph:
Un-directed Graph
- According to Directed Cyclic graph ‘A’ should be after ‘D’ but before ‘B’ but this is impossible.
- In undirected graph ‘A’ is before ‘B’ and ‘A’ is after ‘B’ which is again impossible.
- The key idea behind the DFS-based topological sorting is that a vertex should be added to the topological order only after all its dependencies (i.e., its neighbors) have been added.
- By pushing the vertices onto the stack after exploring all their neighbors, we ensure that the vertices are added to the stack in the reverse order of their completion of the DFS traversal.
- When we pop the vertices from the stack and add them to the
list, we get the correct topological ordering of the vertices.
Time Complexity:
- method is called once for each unvisited node, meaning it could be called a maximum of V times, where V is the number of vertices.
- there is a loop that iterates over all neighbors of the current node, resulting in a total of O(E) iterations across all calls to dfs, where E is the number of edges.
- Therefore, the overall time complexity of dfs is .
Space Complexity:
- visited array takes O(V) space.
- recursion stack depth is at most O(V) in the worst case.
- stack data structure is used to store the topological order and also takes O(V) space.
- the overall space complexity of the dfs method is O(V).
BFS (Kahn’s algorithm)
- Compute the in-degree (number of incoming edges) for each vertex in the graph.
- Initialize a queue and enqueue all vertices with in-degree 0.
- Initialize an empty list to store the topological order.
- While the queue is not empty:
- Dequeue a vertex from the queue and add it to the topological order list.
- For each neighbor of the dequeued vertex:
- Decrement the in-degree of the neighbor by 1.
- If the in-degree of the neighbor becomes 0, enqueue it.
- If the topological order list contains all the vertices, return it. Otherwise, the graph contains a cycle, and topological sorting is not possible.
- The algorithm works by systematically processing vertices based on their dependencies, ensuring that each vertex is added to the topological order only when all its dependencies have been processed. The in-degree calculation and the queue help maintain the correct order of processing.