Data Structures and Algorithms Resources

S No.TopicLinkContext
1Substring TemplateLeetCode TemplateA template to solve most substring problems efficiently.
Important String Question PatternsLeetCode GuideA collection of important string question patterns for practice.
2Sliding WindowLeetCode TemplateA cheatsheet and template for solving sliding window problems.
3Two Pointers ProblemsLeetCode GuideA comprehensive guide on solving two-pointers problems.
4A General Approach to solve Backtracking questionsGeneral Backtracking ApproachA general approach to solving backtracking problems, including subsets, permutations, and combinations.
LeetCode Backtracking PatternLeetCode PatternAn article discussing the backtracking pattern with examples.
5Tree TraversalTree Traversal GuideA guide on iterative and recursive tree traversals, including DFS and BFS.
Iterative Tree TraversalMedium ArticleAn article on iterative tree traversal techniques.
Validate Binary Search TreeLeetCode SolutionA solution for validating binary search trees using iterative inorder traversal.
6Dynamic Programming PatternsLeetCode GuideA collection of dynamic programming patterns for solving related problems.
7Binary Search TemplateLeetCode GuideA powerful template for solving binary search problems.
8Monotonic Stack GuideLeetCode GuideA comprehensive guide and template for solving monotonic stack-based problems.
9Bit Manipulation PatternsLeetCode GuideA guide on different bit manipulation patterns and their applications.
10Graph Algorithms and ProblemsLeetCode GuideA collection of graph algorithms and problems for practice.
Graphs for BeginnersLeetCode GuideAn introductory guide to graph problems and patterns.
Mastering Graph AlgorithmsLeetCode GuideA comprehensive guide to mastering graph algorithms.
Comprehensive Graph Algorithms GuideLeetCode GuideA detailed guide and cheat sheet for common graph question patterns.
11LeetCode Pattern 1: BFS and DFSLeetCode PatternAn article discussing BFS and DFS patterns with examples (part 1).
LeetCode Pattern 2: BFS and DFSLeetCode PatternAn article discussing BFS and DFS patterns with examples (part 2).
1214 Patterns to Ace Any Coding InterviewHackernoon ArticleAn article detailing 14 essential patterns to ace coding interviews.
13Important LinksLeetCode DiscussionA collection of important and useful links from LeetCode discussions.