Problem statement 

Given a rod of length ‘N’ units. The rod can be cut into different sizes and each size has a cost associated with it. Determine the maximum cost obtained by cutting the rod and selling its pieces.


  1. The sizes will range from 1 to ‘N’ and will be integers.
  2. The sum of the pieces cut should be equal to ‘N’.
  3. Consider 1-based indexing.

Sample Input 1:

2 5 2 5 7 8 10 8 3 5 8 9 10 17 17 20

Sample Output 1:

12 24

Explanation of sample input 1: Test case 1: All possible partitions are: 1,1,1,1,1 max_cost=(2+2+2+2+2)=10 1,1,1,2 max_cost=(2+2+2+5)=11 1,1,3 max_cost=(2+2+7)=11 1,4 max_cost=(2+8)=10 5 max_cost=(10)=10 2,3 max_cost=(5+7)=12 1,2,2 max _cost=(1+5+5)=12

Clearly, if we cut the rod into lengths 1,2,2, or 2,3, we get the maximum cost which is 12.


1.Recursive and Memoization
public class Solution {
    public static int cutRod(int[] price, int n) {
        int[] maxRevenue = new int[n + 1]; //maxRevenue stored for each rode length.
        Arrays.fill(maxRevenue, -1);
        return cutRodUtil(price, n, maxRevenue);
    public static int cutRodUtil(int[] price, int remainingSize, int[] maxRevenue) {
        if (remainingSize == 0) {
            return 0;
        if (maxRevenue[remainingSize] != -1) {
            return maxRevenue[remainingSize];
        int max = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
        for (int cutLength = 1; cutLength <= remainingSize; cutLength++) {
            int revenueIfCut = cutRodUtil(price, remainingSize - cutLength, maxRevenue) + price[cutLength - 1];//index adjusted
            max = Math.max(max, revenueIfCut);
        return maxRevenue[remainingSize] = max;
2. Tabulation

Pepcoding Tabulation:

public class Solution {
    public static int cutRod(int[] price, int rodeLength) {
        int[] maxRevenue = new int[rodeLength + 1]; //maxRevenue stored for each rode length.
		for(int currentLength = 1; currentLength <= rodLength; currentLength++){
			int currentMaxRevenue = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
			for (int cutLength = 1; cutLength <= currentLength; cutLength++) {
				int revenueIfCut = price[cutLength - 1] + maxRevenue[currentLength - cutLength];
				currentMaxRevenue = Math.max(currentMaxRevenue, revenueIfCut);
			maxRevenue[currentLength] = currentMaxRevenue;
        return maxRevenue[rodeLength];